De-Dollarization Is Growing, Even the US Federal Reserve Reluctantly Admits It

8 months ago

06/24/2024 Ben Norton, journalist and analyst of Geopolitical Economy Report: De-dollarization is growing, countries around the world are seeking alternatives to the US dollar. From Latin America to Africa to Asia to Eastern Europe, we see attempts to create alternative payment systems, deals being signed to de-dollarized trade and central banks holding other assets, not just US dollars. Even The Federal Reserve has reluctantly admitted that de-dollarization is happening.
#DeDollarization #TheFederalReserve #CCP #CentralBank
06/24/2024 Geopolitical Economy Report的记者和分析师本·诺顿:全球去美元化趋势正在加剧,世界各国都在寻求美元的替代品。从拉丁美洲到非洲、亚洲,再到东欧,我们随处可见各国试图创建替代支付系统、签署去美元化的贸易协议,而且各国央行持有的资产不仅仅只有美元。就连美联储也勉强承认,去美元化正在发生。
#去美元化 #美联储 #中共 #中央银行

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