Muscle and Aging | We ALL NEED To Know This!

8 months ago

What do you think is THE thing, the MOST important factor, the PRINCIPAL statistic most strongly linked with healthy aging? Would you guess it might be heart health or alcohol consumption or lifelong cholesterol or blood sugar levels or smoking status... Nup, not any of those... IT IS quite simply… muscle... whether it be muscle mass or the strength it conveys.
In the context of ageing and health, they are both closely linked. Now that we know this, it’d be wise to look at the PROBLEM, and there IS a problem. And to ask, what can we do to make muscle work IN OUR FAVOUR as we age? Do we all have to ‘bulk up' or 'get jacked’ in order to enjoy healthy ageing? Not at all. But we absolutely need to do something. So, let’s look at the main factors that affect our muscle composition and long-term strength and, in each case, what we can do to improve it far into the future.



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