LGBT - Insidious Infiltration by Satanists, Marxists, and Pedophiles

5 months ago

The LGBT communities have been infiltrated by Satanists, Marxists, and Pedophiles. The same can be said for schools, colleges, and universities. They were the "sleepers" who all came out of the shadows in 2020 as they all assisted the deep-state's attempt in ushering in world communism, the New World Order that brought genocide, attempted famine, fascism, and they all got caught.

The cabal's Gay Pride, Pride being one of the 7 deadly Sins, is mocking the gay community. I do not have a problem with the good, ordinary LGBT folk but they have been tricked as gay men carry a Gay Pride banner which effectively means Gay Sinner. The devil mocks, this is why they went one step further and gave you ...

priDEMONth ....the Devil is in the details.

WAKE UP....HIV was aimed at gays and blacks, why didn't you see that in 2020 the cabal sent in two Trojan horses, BLM and organisation who's own manifesto pledged to "destroy the nuclear family"....this is a line straight out of the communist playbook, it's a fact that NLM was started by three black female self-confessed "trained marxists" and in true socialist style, two of those black women were jailed for Buying Luxury Mansions. The other trojan horse was the extra letters in the LGBT, a never ended change of "flag", put four of those flags together and you get a swastika....isn't it time the real, genuine LGBT folk addressed the elephant in the room.

The media used the backs and LGBT like pawns in a chess game, the cabal call them "expendable containers" or "useless eaters"....but those fools are STILL fighting against Trump because they are stupid and gullible. It is time for the good LGBT folk to grab back what is being stolen from them, know your enemy, it is the enemy within, and President Donald J Trump has been spearheading the fight against the satanic cabal for the past 9 years. Why do you think the mockingbird media are so against him? That's the same media who tricked you into getting the patented covid bioweapon. PLEASE, wake up!

All those who have harmed children in any way, the satanists, marxists, and pedophiles will find themselves in the hands of the military. Justice is coming.

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