The DEMOCRAT MAFIA! What is a United States Democrat?

4 months ago

Watch yesterday's video about how the warmongering Democrats want WWIII to end most life on earth. We now have information that in retaliation to the Crimea WAR CRIME carried out by the #Biden administration that the #Russians may have downed a Global Hawk drone in the Black Sea. As the Duran says, the escalation to escalation latter. Ask yourself, why do Democrats want war with #Russia?

This video is about #Democrat mafia and why you must fear them! There are three types of #Democrats.

1) There are the more vacuous, lacking intelligence; stupid or empty-headed Democrats.
2) There are the authoritative Democrats who want total power and rule over you with an iron fist. Even censorship of what you are able to speak.
3) Then there is the most dangerous Democrats who are satanic, demonic and pedophiles. These people want to end the #UnitedStates and civilization as we know it.

When you sit down across from a Democrat I want you to challenge them with logic in a debate conversation and see what happens. I think you will find it interesting!

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