New Zealanders Had Escape Plans in 2021

3 months ago

The Fascist takeover of New Zealand in 2020-2021 was a frightening experience to live through. Not everyone survived it. Those who complied had limited rights. Those who refused to comply were driven underground, in shades of 1930s Europe.

Alex Kriel is by training a physicist and was one of the first people to highlight the flawed nature of the Imperial College COVID mathematical model in May 2020 (which has subsequently been copied worldwide by mathematical modelers with virology and epidemiology degrees, funded by nefarious sources). He is a co-founder of the Thinking Coalition which comprises a group of citizens who are concerned about Government overreach (

The group uses rigorous research to identify areas of government overreach and also runs campaigns to address concerns to MPs and other regulatory bodies including Ofcom and Parliamentary Standards Commissioner in defence of personal liberties.

Here, Alex recommends a group of New Zealand doctors advocating for patient safety, rights of vaccine injured, investigations into sudden unexpected deaths, and offering a clinical service. Find them at and find their clinical services at If you or someone you know has experienced a possible vaccine-related injury you can also report it to who are collecting information which would usually be the responsibility of government, who are either so overwhelmed by the task, or deliberately avoiding their responsibility, that the system is no longer functioning. Nevertheless it is recommended to report to them at


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