06.23.24 "Step Away from Murder / Step Into Miracles"

3 months ago

I was part of a group of ten people last Fri. night who joined for dinner at an established San Francisco (SF) eatery. Five in the group were mature adults, decades long good friends, visiting for a week from New Jersey. To me this represented a healing for my home city of San Francisco which has been much maligned these past few years as "unlivable" because of: homelessness, filth, public drug use, etc. The fact that five adult friends all decided to visit for a week signified (for me) that the public perception of SF was changing, healing – and I celebrated this and announced it several times to the people in our group. I have continually chosen miracles from my beloved San Francisco instead of murdering it with thoughts of urban decay and a downward spiral to a dystopian future. I believe we should actively look for and acknowledge demonstrations of healing wherever we can find them. "Perception selects and makes the world you see. ... For what you look for, you are far more likely to discover than what you would prefer to overlook." (OrEd.Tx.21.49) I look for healing. I look for miracles.

This next Thu. June 27th will be the first Presidential debate with current President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump facing off. I know many will choose to see this as hopeless, partisan separation, and ego manifestation to the max. Well – you could choose to see it that way. That's murder, but why would you want to? I don't. I aways watch the debates, and other Presidential events like the State of the Union addresses, because I want to be part of the joined conversation, society coming together and exploring their conflicts so that they can be resolved. If I look for that miracle then I will see it. "Conflict must be resolved. ... It must be seen exactly as it is, where it is thought to be, in the reality which has been given it, and with the purpose that the mind accorded it." (OrEd.WkBk.333.1) While many see the Presidential campaign as an opportunity to reinforce their special hate relationships, I will challenge myself to see it differently. I will choose miracles instead of murder. "Here murder is your choice. Yet from above, the choice is miracles instead of murder. And the perspective coming from this choice shows you the battle is not real and easily escaped." (OrEd.Tx.23.51)

Always choose miracles and healing instead of the murder of urban decay or political division. Do you want to know how good of an ACIM student you are? Watch the Presidential debate next Thur. and monitor your thoughts and feelings. "Watch your minds carefully for any beliefs that hinder its accomplishment, and step away from them. Judge how well you have done this by your own feelings, for this is the one right use of judgment." (OrEd.Tx.4.64) Think of it as an enlightenment workshop – and we can take it for free!

Step away from murder. Step into miracles.

29 min.

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