Super Soldier Talk – Appalachia Starseed Reunion, August 1 to 4, Old Fort NC

8 months ago

Today, James Rink, Randi Janelle, Randi Botnick, Kyle Espenshade, Dale Allen Hoffman, Jessica Jones we be having a discussion about the Appalachia Starseed Reunion: Celebrating Cosmic Awakening is a 4-day transformative experience focused on ‘contact’ - with our inner self, our community and our ‘meta-physical allies’. Questions such as “Are we ready?" “How do we access human upgrades?” and "Why is it important that we gather in community?” will be explored.

We will enjoy inspirational speakers, frequency medicine, uplifting music and movement, high-vibe nutrition, and a contagious, high-vibe environment aimed at expanding the dialogue, shifting the paradigm, and forging a path to the New Earth where the extraordinary is not only honored but celebrated.

During our time together, we will hear about suppressed healing and energy technology; learn how to hone our metaphysical powers - including intuitive and healing abilities; and, explore how we can fulfill our roles as Ushers To The New Paradigm through practical applications for our Mind, Body and Soul.

Appalachia Starseed Reunion Old Fort, NC August 1-4, 2024

Christi Catlett

Christi has worked as a Mental Health Professional for 25+ years and answered a call to assist in the co-creation of high-vibe community. She has been a fan of “Disclosure” and of “contactee” conferences since becoming ‘activated’ in 2017. She describes her mission as ‘to re-write old, false matrix programs’ and aims to do this by co-creating transformational disclosure gatherings. Her long term goal is to leverage the community built around the gatherings into a sustainable, wellness-based community as an alternative lifestyle to the ‘old world false matrix’.

Randi Janelle

Randi Janelle channels an interdimensional being named Vyrrlah, a voice for the New Earth and the evolution of consciousness. Randi hosts monthly channeled workshops on a variety of topics, as well as channeling gatherings so that you have an opportunity to channel your expanded guidance. She facilitates EarthHeart Healing

For more information see or her YouTube channel

Kyle Espenshade

Kyle is a SOMA Breath Master Transformational Coach, Qigong instructor, music producer, ecstatic dance DJ and Alkhemist with over a decade of experience in internal alkhemy arts. He is the founder of Soma Alkhemy, a D’Jedi training and syncretic system of holistic healing and transformation for the modern day spiritual seeker which combines ancient alkhemy practices from both eastern and western traditions with modern technology and scientific understanding.

Follow him on social media @somaalkhemy and check out his website

Reverend Dale Alan Hoffman

Reverend Dale Allen Hoffman is a world-renowned author, actor, musician, performance artist and professional speaker. Dale is an Ancient Aramaic Wisdom Keeper, mystic and energetic healer revealing long-suppressed ancient secrets and healing modalities

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones is a paranormal investigator and remote viewer based in northwest Georgia Jessica also offers oracle readings and spiritual guidance and is the owner of "War Woman Goods" a curated collection of unique vintage Southwestern and American Indian-inspired goods. Jessica will be offering an 'Experiencers' Lounge" as well as leading one of our nightly skywatches.

Original Record Date: June 24, 2024

James will be putting on a fun, Super Soldier Talk Timeline of Disclosure and Soul Healing Fair with eight SSP speakers, July 11-14th, 2024 at the Harborside Holiday Inn in Indian Shores, Florida. Then a free Soul Healing Fair celebration July 13th. We need vendors and volunteers. Book your V.I.P. Tickets at

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