The Disappearance of Michael Rockefeller

7 months ago

Did Michael Rockefeller suffer the same fate as Uncle Bosie?
Michael Clark Rockefeller, a 23-year-old member of the Rockefeller family, disappeared on November 19, 1961, while on an ethnological expedition to the Asmat region of southwestern Dutch New Guinea. The Asmat at that time were still primarily living in the age of wood. They had no stone tools and had never known that technology. And, Yes, like the local natives Uncle Bosie encountered, they were also Cannibals. Rockefeller was traveling in a hostile land of primitive people. He went missing when he attempted to paddle a local native canoe from one island to another, or so the story goes. There are 4 likely scenarios for what happened to him . Unlike Uncle Bosie, he could have been taken captive by hostile Asmat and cooked over a slow fire for a cannibal feast, OR his canoe capsized and he drowned while trying to swim to safety, OR he was eaten by one of the Huge salt water crocodiles that inhabit that region of New Guinea OR simply killed and eaten by sharks.... Whatever the case, I cant actually say that I feel sorry for the Rockefeller family. Michael was probably exploring in the region for natural resources his family and other global elites could exploit at the expense of the native population. However, if he was consumed by the Asmat, I sincerely hope none of them suffered and indigestion.

According to Explorer Tobias Schneebaum heard a similar story from a group of Asmat villagers which he wrote about in his 200 book Keep the River on Your Right: A Modern Cannibal Tale. Carl Hoffman, a journalist from National Geographic, found further confirmation of that story and published a grisly report of Rockefeller’s death.

Three Asmat tribal elders named Pip, Ajim and Fin found Rockefeller floating, exhausted, close to shore. After a short discussion – apparently about a bridge the Asmat held against some Dutch explorers – Pep decided to kill Rockefeller in revenge. The laughing tribesman speared him in the ribs. The tree dragged a still alive, but morally wounded Rockefeller back to their village. There they hacked his head off.

“Members of the tribe came up and began cutting Michael's body absolutely to pieces, separating his organs and his flesh and his bones into different piles and then very quickly they got a fire going and cooked and ate Michael and of all the parts of his body."

“His brain was apparently the most important part and and so only Fin, Ajim and Pip were allowed to eat the brain and then finally, after they had finished eating and took all the remaining meat that had not been consumed and they put it into their pouches to eat later”.

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