Deep Dark Secrets of the Jesuits Exposed. Secret Plan of the Jesuit Order. Free Book Downloads

3 months ago

Deep Dark Secrets of the Jesuits Exposed. Secret Plan of the Jesuit Order. Free Book Downloads
(Converted to HD by TheWarAgainstYou)
David W. Daniels - Chick Tracts Official YouTube Channel
I got sucked into this series late last night, and haven't been able to pull myself away from it. Also, I dug up Free sources of the main books he links for you.
This Series Covers Some Fascinating History, and includes many excellent rare pictures. The Jesuits Infiltration of World Governments and Political Systems, and especially Jesuit Infiltration of Protestant and Non-Catholic Churches is the main focus.
This Series gives a good understanding of why the Jesuits are So Effective, and provides a glimpse into the Depths of their Evil.
It is clear that Daniels has done his homework, and knows his subjects extremely well.
But there is much Controversy that surrounds David W. Daniels. But then you would definitely expect that, considering his dedication to Exposing the Jesuits and the Catholic Church. I am no Biblical Scholar, nor an Expert on Catholicism or Christianity (Though I know Many Mind Blowing Secrets Few Will Ever Learn) But from what I have seen, Daniels appears to be referencing Credible Sources.
The Greatest Controversy is in relation to his support of Dr. Alberto Rivera, who claimed to have been a high level Jesuit. Though his claims appear quite dubious, though outrageous, they are believable. Even without first hand knowledge. Yet caution is advised when citing Rivera as an authority or source.
***One of the most interesting revelations is how the Jesuits Pioneered Psychological Profiling and Personal Assessment, along with learning the Public and Private Lives of everyone. By creating a permanent record of a person's Profile, every Jesuit Priest could easily learn and know everything about everyone. Even their darkest secrets.***
The Jesuit conspiracy. The secret plan of the order, with a preface by V. Considérant
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Secret History Of The Jesuits ( 1983) Edmund Paris
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The Jesuit conspiracy. The secret plan of the order, with a preface by V. Considérant.
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Code of the Illuminati Part 3 of

Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism

By Jesuit Augustin Beruell
Translated by Robert Edward Clifford

Free Online Version on

This is the third part (of four) of Abbé Barreul's massive polemic history of the French Revolution. This portion of this book is of interest because it contains extensive quotes from the actual literature of the Bavarian Illuminati. This is the most comprehensive work in English on the historical theory, structure and practice of the Bavarian Illuminati. It complements Robison's Proofs of a Conspiracy, the other major contemporary account.
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Vlog 315: Jesuits, Part 4 - Out of the Shadows. Jesuits do their most important work from behind the scenes. Here are some examples. God bless you all! - David W Daniels

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