The Church before the foundation of the world

9 months ago

The Church of Jesus Christ was established before the foundation of the world. There is great confusion among Christians today who think that before Jesus was crucified that the Jews found personal salvation by keeping the law. Some go so far as teaching there are "Two Gsopels" one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles. No one has ever been saved from their sin because they were a descendant of Abraham, or were circumcised and not one Jew was ever able to "keep the law". All have sinned. Salvation is by the Grace of God through faith purchased by the sacrifice of Christ himself. Adam and Eve are saved through Christ. No one has ever been saved any other way. There is no other way and never has been. Gentile believers are grafted into that spriitual vine of Abraham and we become part of that household of faith. Unbelieving Jews are cut off the vine of salvation as. As the household of God saved by grace through the atonement of Christ all are "Christian" and all saved believers from the beginning are of the church of Jesus Christ.

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