Oh Honey, No! AOC Marks 2-Year Dobbs Anniversary As Only She Can, Makes Total Fool Of Herself

8 months ago

Posted • June 24, 2024: Two years ago, SCOTUS overturned Roe and returned abortion to where it belongs, to the states. As Ruth Bader Ginsberg herself said, Roe was bad law ... and clearly it was unconstitutional so when pro-aborts came to SCOTUS angry about a 15-week abortion restriction the court took the opportunity to correct a mistake. And for the last two years, the same people who refuse to define a woman have been working really hard to convince women that Trump is somehow to blame for Roe and that if he's elected he will ban abortion FOREVER. They really are quite melodramatic, not to mention WRONG as Trump himself as said he agrees with SCOTUS and the states should decide. And speaking of being melodramatic, fresh from her embarrassing performance on Saturday where she yelled at a crowd of Democrats much like an Austrian dictator who shall remain nameless, AOC was quick to make a fool of herself once again. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Oh Honey, NO! AOC Marks 2-Year Dobbs Anniversary As Only SHE CAN, Makes Total Fool of Herself

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