Military Sniper Launches Full Assault On Cowardly Obama

6 years ago

President Trump has conducted and managed his administration with strength and power. While President Obama’s administration was weak and subservient. The American people notice which is exactly why the public loves President Trump more than they love President Obama. Even military officials are taking notice. One former military sniper, in particular, took a shot at President Obama over recent events going on in regards to national security.

Former special operations sniper Nicholas Irving defended President Trump regarding his recent military strategy. Irving served six tours in Afghanistan and Iraq between the years of 2005 and 2010. As a soldier, he k****d 33 enemy combatants which is more than any of the other Third Ranger Regiment. No one has come close to what he has done. Irving was quick to point out that under the Obama administration that the snipers and soldiers lost one important variable that they have now that makes them successful.

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