Why are Chinese Frightened Fanatical Workers - Allowing them to take over Worlds Manufacturing?

3 months ago

Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese speak languages which contain intense alarm sounds in almost every syllable of their languages, that is why they have this high focus and sense of urgency, you can see that in their aces as I they are rightened. This feature gives them competitive advantage when it comes to working long ours, focusing and having urgency work quickly. Other societies with more relaxed languages cannot compete as a result will lose all their manufacturing to these "Frightened Fanatical Societies", often resulting in poverty and chaos. Denying many third world countries to develop by manufacturing even the simplest products such as brooms, pots and clothes, essential part to development in the past, products that is now almost exclusively done by China. In the past Japan showed this fanatical work ethic when they dominated electronic industry in the 1980s and 1990's, however they were too small to manufacture all the basic products so their impact was not felt in the third world countries.

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