High-Stakes Matchup: Filler vs. Yang in the Predator World 10-Ball Championship!

6 months ago

2019 Predator World 10 Ball Championship
July 22-26
Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, Nevada

Match: Josh Filler vs Fan Yang

The 2019 Predator World 10-ball Championship is a presentation of CueSports International and sponsored by Predator Group, one of the world’s premier cue makers and billiards accessory manufacturers. The event is being hosted by the Rio All-Suites Hotel and Casino and broadcast live on YouTube by CSI Media, a subsidiary of CueSports International. For more information, visit www.world10ball.com.

CueSports International (CSI) is an international billiards organization which produces the US Open 8-ball, 10-ball, One Pocket, Bank Pool and Straight Pool Championships. CSI, which also operates international amateur pool leagues, has three divisions: CSI leagues, CSI events and CSI media. CSI leagues manages the BCA Pool League and USA Pool League, the events division produces numerous amateur and professional events and the media department creates live video billiards content. For more information about CSI, visit www.playcsipool.com or find CueSports International on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter.

The Predator World 10-ball Championship is sponsored by: Predator Cues, CueSports International, Diamond Billiard Products, Kamui and Omega Billiards.

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