[OPS] evacuation info (answers for QuestiON)

3 months ago

[know] when do important upload into rumble happen rumble goes down globally shut down to try block out upload, Artificial Intelligence AI try block out upload, not first time happen been happen also before this upload, they blame russia hackers or active sun or update problems ? also note how upload still allowed when rumble access is globally totally down, thats how all shadow banning been made people access limited even when internet still operate on background

[note] cant repeat this forever, on from 1980s forward telling same thing non stop is been already far beyond practical fuctional realistic, get your own mission when you need teach you, others cant teach you nor carry out, good better best is come on from your own full work now then alway when, others only mentors or escort or helpful, so be as much without force your own being others





[NOTE] old system HALF crash been happen HOW WHY products quality goes lower every moment

Q: what about food?
A: all processed foods are high risk, specially animal products and big brand bottle waters and also factory greens and already on next winter backery products on europe are too toxic with uranium radioactivity why full evacuation is also must happen sooner, grow own or find best or do both, first wave full life evacuation already before end 2024 second wave is months after or think as many waves feels needs stay longer on unperfect situation, on earth surface situation not become perfect even easier for evacuation

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