Prep for Hive Requeening

2 months ago

Get ready with me and follow along as we do a long overdo hive inspection and queen finding expedition. It's time for us to requeen these hives with new queens that will produce calmer broods and make it easier to do our inspections.

0:00 Get ready with me
01:33 I start on the first hive
02:06 Separating the first hive
04:29 Not finding much brood in this box
07:04 Queen cells
08:35 Monsoon season 😂
10:40 Recognizing a queen bee
11:45 Cracking open the second hive
12:58 Starving the Queen
15:04 Why we wait after euthanizing the Queens
18:03 Bearding Bees
20:09 Backbreaking work
20:53 We pissed these bees off, time to bug out
21:05 The day's recap

Queens from @thebeesupply

"River Flute" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

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