Beyond 7 Chakras Into A Unified Light Body with Alice Buchanan - Inspiring Hope #206

8 months ago

🌟 Welcome to a Fascinating Episode of Inspiring Hope! 🌟

Today, we celebrate the solstice with a truly extraordinary guest, Alice Buchanan, a Quantum Energetic Change Agent with unparalleled wisdom and insight. Join us as Alice takes us on a journey beyond the 7 major chakras into the realm of the unified light body with 12 chakras.

Alice Buchanan is a seasoned Energy Healer, Diviner, and Geomancer whose rare gift of connecting to Source, Ancestors, and other dimensions sets her apart. Her work as a psychic medium serves as a beacon of hope, guiding individuals to find balance in their mental and emotional bodies, clear ancestral trauma, and gain profound insight and guidance.

With training from the prestigious Arthur Findlay College of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in England, Alice has collaborated with some of the world's foremost energy healers, mediums, and psychics, including Jackie Wright, Sally Barnes, Deena Zalkind Spear, Bradley Nelson, Donna Eden, and David Feinstein. In October 2018, she received the transformative Q17 Energy Upload, a quantum-programmed energetic transmission of Unconditional Love from Source designed to balance and harmonize the multidimensional aspects of Heart, Consciousness, Will, and Body.

Alice's impressive credentials include a Master of Education from Southern New Hampshire University and certification as a HeartMath® Trainer. She is also the founder of S.P.A.C.E, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to Spiritual, Practical, Artistic, Creative Education.

As a lifelong learner and dedicated teacher, Alice is a sought-after speaker at the American Society of Dowsers (ASD) Annual National Conference and other venues. Her engaging presentations cover a wide range of topics, including HeartMath® and Stress Reduction, Dowsing, Kinesiology, Geomancy, Ascension Symptoms, and more.

Join us for this captivating episode as Alice Buchanan shares her profound insights and guides us through the intricacies of the unified light body. Discover the power of quantum energy and the transformative potential it holds for our journey towards balance and enlightenment.

Tune in to Inspiring Hope and let Alice Buchanan illuminate your path to spiritual growth and healing.

Connect with Alice at
Lois at

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