Remember: Mankind’s greatest sin (in the Bible) was the thirst for knowledge

7 months ago

Mankind’s greatest sin (in the Bible) was the thirst for knowledge. Bible=manipulated mythologies made into fiction/gods word for control over the masses. Ancient psychological control manipulation. More fun facts to look up ’hell’ is a complete distortion of its roots as depression=‘a dark place’ or that the biblical yhwh is actually Enlil one of 3 brother (archons that some argue were part of the ancient astronaut theory) and the most evil of them all, we would recognize him today as the ‘prince of the air’ or Satan in todays English, don’t believe me then show me how many times Satan shows up to slay hundreds of thousands, oh wait that was all god…🤔 or that Lucifer (who is NOT satan) was the one who actually told the truth in the garden, while yhwh/satan lied to maintain his control, but the indoctrinated won’t and will fight against the truth to maintain their religious delusions. But as we learn in enlightenment, we just grow and show, it’s not up to us to force anyone to mature or learn truth, there are those that choose the 💩☠️ through the path of academic & theological ignorance created by indoctrinated (dead) traditions of men.

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