Validated Technique to Change Your State! A Guided Process.

8 months ago

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Dr. Lisa Matejka offers a brief explanation and then gets right in to guiding you through a 13 minute process that is similar to a guided meditation, called the Heart Lock-In Technique. This was developed by the HeartMath Institute. It is a scientifically validated and proven technique with success globally from fortune 500 companies to government agencies to hospital and healthcare systems, schools of all types, professional athletes, businesses, private practice and personal use. HeartMath has pioneered amazing research on our hearts and this technique helps coherence, which is order and harmony and increased communication between the heart, brain and rest of body. This has enormous benefit for everyone but especially cancer patients, so if you are looking for a guided meditation or guided visualization to assist on your cancer journey, you have found it! This is particularly a great one because it is simple and easy to do daily and is proven to help with stress, anxiety, panic, fear, overwhelm (and more) which are all common emotions of cancer. This is a powerful tool to have in your tool box for stress management, which is crucial for cancer patients as studies show those with poor response to stress do not fare as well. This heart lock-in technique also helps you connect to your intuition and offers new perspective (by quieting the mind chaos) which you can imagine is so valuable when dealing with cancer. Try this today and do consistently for increased results!

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