Tucker on why he didn't take the Covid vax

9 months ago

Tucker Carlson: The Covid vax, all I knew, I didn't know anything about mRNA technology, I still am not an expert on theat. But I know a lot about human deception...and the behavior of the people telling me that was so transparently dishonest. I didn't know that the vax wouldn't work which it didn't, I didn't know that would cause harm which it did, but I did know that the people selling it were liars. I knew that instantly...I was like I don't know what this is, no one in my family's getting this, we're not doing this and I'm not doing this. I figured that out the first day, I did not figure it out, I still haven't figured it out, but I felt it so strongly and just obeyed and I think that works."
Source: Shawn Ryan Show (YouTube)

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