Amazon 4k-The world largest tropical Rainforest part 1| jungle sound ||

7 months ago

The Amazon Rainforest is the world's richest and most-varied biological reservoir, containing several million species of insects, plants, birds, and other forms of life, many still unrecorded by science. The luxuriant vegetation encompasses a wide
15 Amazing Amazon Rainforest Facts for Children
The Amazon is the world's largest tropical rainforest. ...
The rainforest spans over 9 different countries. ...
The Amazon has an incredibly rich ecosystem. ...
The Amazon River is the largest river in the world. ...
The Amazon Rainforest is considered the 'Lungs of the Earth'.
The Amazon River is a freshwater drainage system flowing 4,000 miles from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic coast of Brazil. It's the second longest river in the world, but also the longest and largest in terms of volume and flow.

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