Lush pasture, patient dog, temperamental ewe, lost lamb

8 months ago

Another pasture move from Saturday, I am moving them about every 4 days now. The pastures are looking more lush this year than I have seen in a long, long time - very hot and wet spring that came early, lots of clover and bird's-foot trefoil all over (high protein = high on the list as far as sheep are concerned). We could use a bit more rain now, but we are due for it soon, so I'm not worried.

The little lamb is the latest (and I think last, for this season) one born, at first he can't find his mom in the sea of grass and other sheep, but she comes to find him eventually and comfort him (this usually means nurse, when you are a lamb).

Kiwi recognizes the ewe at the end as a temperamental bitch because she has tangled with her before and gotten whacked, so she knows to not push too hard as this particular ewe passes by with her lamb - even if she is taking her sweet time joining the flock (Her name is Arya. She was a bottle lamb I gave to a friend years ago - the friend got out of breeding sheep and sent Arya back here last fall. This is her first summer returning home to the land where she belongs).

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