Secret Potassium Supplement? | VERY Cheap and Effective

7 months ago

In my opinion, hands down the best potassium supplement is cream of tartar from the supermarket. This whole 125g tub lasts me around 3 months at a dosage of a half teaspoon about 3 times a week. The tub costs me about 4 Aussie dollars… FOR 3 MONTHS SUPPLY! In neanderthal money that’d be something like $3 US or 2 pounds fifty Stirling. It’s very potent potassium so duty of care of course insists I strongly suggest you ask your doctor if it’s okay. Just like I did. And guess what. My doctor said go ahead! In fact, he quickly verified my sums on the approximate potassium dosage going by my 3 month usage out of the 125g tub. So 125g cream of tartar in the full tub. 16,500mg potassium per 100g means times the 16,500 by 1.25 which equals 20,625mg. That 20,625mg over 3 months (or 90 days) equals about 230mg of potassium per day. WELL below the US FDA’s suggestion of 4,700 mg daily from food. Even so, as it’s just a cooking ingredient, concentration could vary a lot so once again, ask your doctor.

I certainly can say is this stuff has been super effective for me, it’s so cheap it’s almost free and it’s very convenient. Just mix the half teaspoon in a drink. I had a really annoying one year duration shoulder cramp disappear overnight because of this stuff.

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