Walt Disney Productions' EPCOT '77 (1977)

8 months ago

This 1977 preview of EPCOT Center was a 16mm film distributed for a variety of reasons. This was America's first introduction to EPCOT Center. The film is bookended with an introduction and closing remarks from the then CEO of Walt Disney Productions, Card Walker. Walker started with the Walt Disney Studios in 1938 as a mail clerk and worked his way through the ranks until he was named CEO after Roy Disney Sr died. It was Walker who enforced the ideals of Walt and Roy in the projects produced at the company under his leadership. EPCOT Center was built because of his he took the baton to construct it forward. He also founded the Disney Channel in 1982. He remained on the board of directors until 2000 often clashing with the Eisner regime helping to hold them at bay. The rest of the film shows behind the scenes planning of EPCOT Center's planning.

Release date 1977

Posted for historical purposes. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.

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