Could Your Tap Water Be Raising Your Cholesterol

7 months ago

Story at a glance:

One in 4 Americans over the age of 45 is on a statin drug to lower their cholesterol.

Statins will not necessarily lower your risk of heart disease or death from a major heart attack because of the damage they cause to your muscles, including your heart muscle.

Statins lower your cholesterol, and this isn’t a good thing, because cholesterol is an important precursor for many of your steroid hormones, including progesterone, testosterone, aldosterone, cortisol and vitamin D exposure to chlorinated water also damages your health and your heart.

Supplying healthy drinking water to our communities is one of the major challenges facing the modern world.

Scores of chemical toxins pollute the environment.

In the US alone there were over 6500 pesticides, herbicides and fungicides used in agriculture alone in the year 1998-99.

The drinking water showed a score of 300 different kinds of pesticides and fungicides.

I hate to think what the tally would be now, roughly 25 years later.

Treatment plants are supposed to clean the water from toxins and bacteria, but all we have to do is take a look at some statistics to realize something is seriously wrong with our drinking water.

The statistics show that from 1920 onwards there has been an explosive increase in cardiovascular disease and fatal heart attacks, but only in countries that chlorinate their water supplies.

In Africa, China, Japan and other parts of Asia, cardiovascular disease remained unknown.

When Japanese citizens immigrated to Hawaii where the water was chlorinated, they suffered the same rate of heart attacks as the Americans.

In 1967, Dr J Price experimented with a group of 50, three months old chickens.

He added a third of a teaspoon of chlorine bleach to about 1 liter of water whilst another group of chickens serves as controls.

Seven months later over 95% of the chlorinated group had advanced atherosclerosis, while NONE of the control group showed any deterioration of the heart and arteries!

This experiment was repeated many times, not just on chickens, but also on monkeys and other animals, always with the same results.

Chlorinated water not only damages your heart and arteries, but scientists also discovered that it creates an unnatural frequency pattern in your body.

This sets off dissonant thought patterns, which can make you disagreeable, moody and out of tune with your normal, harmonious self.

You can see that chlorinated water is a huge problem for our society, creating a dramatic increase of diseases.

Here is what you can do to protect yourself:

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