ON DEMAND! *CDN/P3i* Tue.Jun.25,'24: The Climate Crisis is a Hoax. Democrats and Elites conspiring with Chinese to oppress humanity, undermine our military, and defeat our economic strength and freedom!

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ON DEMAND! Tue.Jun.25,'24 8p ET:
The Climate Crisis is a Hoax. Democrats and Elites conspiring with Chinese to oppress humanity, undermine our military, and defeat our economic strength and freedom!

In this Episode, you will learn that Donald Trump was not only CORRECT that China has been using false Climate Crisis lies in News since the early 18th Century to undermine its "Competitor" the United States of America, but that the consequences of following the Hoax Climate Crisis is to so overblow normal climate changes since 12000 years ago and the Deglaciation period, that they are creating utter TERROR in the minds eye of children and young persons, and, well, about everyone, in fear of a FALSE THREAT, one as ridiculous as the Pandemic, which took its place for a couple years, but now that the Pandemic fear has largely subsided, the Democrats, Liberals, Chinese Intelligence and Military and others in their league, have fallen back on Climate Crisis to try and justify any number of stupid, unjustified economic, ecological, labor, automotive transportation, withholding of resources, consumer interference, price gouging at the Supermarket and Gas Pumps and all of it simply for their goal of Self Enrichment and in China's place, the spread of the utterly useless and unworkable ideologies of Communism.

Stay tuned and watch this show, you will be very surprised to see the proofs that President Trump was correct on all counts and that Biden, his EPA, NOAA and other "trusted evironmental groups and agencies" are LYING THROUGH THEIR TEETH. The so-called Models they use to reportedly predict crisis weather, are not based upon the actual behavior of Planet Earth, they are based upon conjecture that tries to SIMULATE CLIMATE CRISIS in lieu of our very normal weather patterns, accompanied by abusive propaganda falsely claiming sea levels are filling in entire land masses, a lie, crisis level heat waves are melting our cars and houses and every imaginable, fantasy of disaster that these useless, money thieving, tax payer robbbing, leftist Jackasses can make up. They employ entire TEAMS of FAKE SCIENCE PROPAGANDISTS to distribute fake news and information intended to buoy up their false and disproven claims. You know, like Al Gore claiming NY City would be under 15 feet of water by 1999.

Hit the road, Al Gore, you are a FRAUD!
So are they all!

BTW, we don't deny there is a problem, deforestation is reducing oxygen as is agrichems dumped into the sea, and the CO2 level, contrary to the Thunbergians, is at an all time low of 0.04% Globally, which if it drops another 2%, we're all GONERS, life will cease to exist. In no way is CO2 holding heat in. That's a myth as in Greenhouses it's THE GLASS ROOF holding the heat in. Gosh they must think us all so gullible. Don't drink their Kool Aid.

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