Episode #1: Introduction

9 months ago

In this episode, I welcome you all to my new podcast!

The Comprehensible Podcast is a series of podcasts created to provide English language learners with listening practice material at a suitable level of difficulty.

I will talk about a different topic in each episode so that you can hear natural English being spoken in a variety of contexts. And each episode will have two or more versions at different levels of difficulty, so that you can choose the right level for you.

The spoken English is transcribed in real time, so that you can use your reading skills to better understand the spoken language. You can also gain insights into meaning by using YouTube's auto-generated subtitles in your own language.

Try listening without using the transcription first, then come back and read the transcription to better understand the more difficult parts.

There is only one version of this first, introductory episode. Future episodes will have multiple episodes for different levels of English.

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