US Airforce Attacked Civilians In Russia This Morning

6 months ago

It's about to get real. And they're using the other attack in Russia one hour after this missile attack on civilians that I believe the deep state cabal are behind to distract from this one and to get people to hate Muslims.

The attack on Christians and Kabbalist Talmudic Jewish Synagogue in Russia today was very specific to garner support from Christians by saying see we have the same enemy. We need to band together. Meanwhile, they hate our guts because the Talmud tells them to and they pass laws in Israel where they are legally allowed to curse at, spit on, assault, kill Christians and even steal their land/homes.

These are not the Jewish people that worship the God of Abraham and King David. Even the Star of David has nothing to do with King David. It is the magical Seal of Solomon who fell from grace for bowing down to other gods so he could have sex with a non-Jewish woman.

I picked this background to get you to connect the dots. Also, I could not find any news broadcast about this on YouTube. The news is only reporting on the other distraction terrorist attack on Christians and Jews.

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