(Louder) NDE's, OBE's, Afterlife, Samsara, Matrix, Reincarnation, Moon Secrets

8 months ago

Re-uploaded this video by request, as someone noted it, too, is too quiet, due to the mic I used. Completely unedited besides the volume, mechanics of the afterlife is gaining interest and I'm realizing some recognition. Thank you. I'd be glad to answer specific questions, guest on other videos or podcasts, or consult directly with individuals. Contact links at www.linktr.ee/mjtank108.

Illustrated description of the afterlife and rebirth process. Starting with typical NDE's before going deeper into the mechanics involved. User's guide to escaping the prison planet matrix when the body dies. Also use the Tibetan Book Of The Dead. No need to wait 'til death to escape the matrix, start practicing with Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, or Remote Viewing techniques and take a vacation now and then- you've earned it! Speaking of the soul recycling factory on the moon, https://rumble.com/vs1b1g-astral-projection-lucid-dreaming-how-to-plus-resources-and-tips.html

That #HowTo video has also been updated with more details and #ProTips in part 2 HERE https://rumble.com/v4hq8zq-astral-projection-how-to-part-2.html

Speaking of the far side of the moon, I remote-viewed it days after originally recording this video with updates briefly HERE https://rumble.com/vt7fhg-ndes-afterlife-update-pandemic-babies.html

...and remote-viewed it again in 2024 because GOOD NEWS isn't getting out any other way https://rumble.com/v4utkr3-moon-happenings-physical-viewing-remote-viewing-rv-war-on-moon.html

Related: Art piece detailing the "White Door" Daisy of Death metatronic archontic matrix soul trap of Earth. "Life's Too Short" https://fineartamerica.com/featured/lifes-too-short-matthew-j-tankersley.html

Related: English-speakers sometimes refer to this realm as "Kama Loca" and I disagree with that term #SpellsBroken but here is an artist's rendering of that place you're referring to https://fineartamerica.com/featured/follow-the-golden-carrot-matthew-tankersley.html

But wait there's more--> www.linktr.ee/MJTank108

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