Think Tanks Create Chessboards : This is why the public cannot follow the PRIZE

7 months ago

Think Tanks Create Chessboards : This is why the public cannot follow the PRIZE as chessboards become complicated by design so when multple moves are played you do not see it coming. Reminder! 2010/ 2016- SEED DROP. BLACK RAIN, GOO & THE NEPHILIM ARMY, OLD GODS - Breaking the 7th seal, hinting about black rain and the goo, which some now call graphene? Also the nephilim army the old gods, of the old world. The Abyss is a real place and according to the books of Revelation and Enoch, there are creatures who are living in this place. Revelation calls them “locusts” with human faces and large, horse-like bodies, while Enoch describes them as 'Watchers' who committed sin against the daughters of men. They were placed in a pit to be held until the time of their release upon the Earth for the purpose of judgment.

Black Rain/Goo describes an infection that entered into humanity through humanity and passed through generations. Interestingly, the term 'Black Rain' was coined in WW2,  to describe nuclear devastation and the effects it has on the human body.

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