Lesbian Couple Kicked Out Of CA Restaurant, Stalked For Confronting 'Trans Woman' In Ladies Restroom

3 months ago

Posted • June 23, 2024: Women deserve private spaces, separate from men -- including men who 'identify' as women. This isn't a controversial statement, or at least it wasn't until the last year or two, when trans activists decided men had a 'right' to women's spaces (and sports and residences) if they simply felt like a woman. Remember when the same Left said all men were toxic and potential rapists? We remember. Wonder what happened to that? Anyway, a lesbian couple in that bastion of progressive politics known as California, found a man in the bathroom of the Angel City Brewery and -- rightly so -- kicked him out. A lesbian couple was kicked out of a restaurant in California last week after confronting a skirt-wearing male in the women's restroom.

After video of the incident went viral, the couple began receiving abuse from a notorious "for-hire" cyberstalker. This started a chain of events that not only saw a video of the incident go viral, but allegations a cyberstalker started abusing the couple. As it turns out it was a lesbian couple that got kicked out of Angel City Brewery for confronting the man in the women’s toilet. Now they’re being targeted by a cyberstalker they think was hired by the brewery. Realize where we are. A business will (allegedly) hire someone to stalk you if you stand up for your right to single-sex bathrooms. So Angel City Beer hired a professional cyberstalker to harass and dox them? How progressive. Peak progressive. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Lesbian Couple Kicked Out of CA Restaurant, Stalked for Confronting 'Trans Woman' in Ladies Restroom
The Publica: Lesbian Couple Kicked Out Of Bar After Complaining About Male In Women’s Restroom Now Facing Cyberstalking, Threats From Professional Doxxers

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