Ezra Lesson-03: The Restoration of Worship - Part I

8 months ago

This Week’s Lesson

We are in Lesson-03 in the series “Rebuilding on the Solid Rock” from the book of Ezra.
This is Volume I of our series: “After the Exile” a study of Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther.
The lesson is titled “The Restoration of Worship – Part I” and our focus passage is Ezra 3:1-7.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we concluded our study of Ezra 1-2, A Divine Stirring.
In those two chapters, the author took us back to the initial stages of the Jewish Exiles’ return to Jerusalem while Cyrus led the Medo-Persian empire.
We saw how Cyrus, stirred up in his spirit by the LORD, declared the release of the Jewish exiles and gave them a purpose: go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple destroyed by the Babylonians.
Yahweh also stirred up the faithful remnant of His people to leave a comfortable situation, engage in a difficult journey to return and to take on the great task to rebuild the Temple.
We should always remember that God always stirs up the hearts of men and women to join Him in accomplishing His plans and purposes.

In today’s lesson we will begin our study of Ezra 3.
In this chapter the author chronicles the events that occurred in the first couple of years after that first wave of Exiles returned from Babylon.

Let’s get started.

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