Hoe Math 2024

8 months ago

STUCK - by #HoeMathPlott full missing 4 minute version found link Fb here
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STUCK in the #HoeMathPlott ultimate Break down ever made about why Women wiring is always more Hypergamous and men need to learn to accept this is her. No way around this. She may not even realize this but let’s prove the science here today.
Everything I talk about is centered around one thing: we might be stuck in a spiral of collapse, and we should avoid it if we can.

The collapse comes from many things, but a major feature of it is the selfishness and dissatisfaction caused by moral degradation and unconstrained ladder-climbing in the sexual marketplace.

Here is my long-overdue answer to the question: “why is promiscuity bad?”
Loyalty is earned and so is betrayal.

Japan is now providing Breeding visas to us because of their declining population

I got to say on Erik Plott behalf

As Erik would say HELL YE! Damn just watched Erik Plott video he fuked the shit out of that girl, it was raw and rough, out of no where he just ripped her panties off and went to town. Dmt. That made me even way wet watching that. Dreamy.

Dreamy. Power of no Fap plus Super man Plott. He got it and she was yalping. She orgasmed hard. That’s when you know it ain’t fake right there. When he wants it and it’s wild and raw.

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