Washing Hands Song | Miss Sunshine Learns About Germs From A Nurse | Educational Videos For Kids

8 months ago

Ew GERMS! Germs can really bring out the worry wart in all of us but by remembering to wash our hands, we can effectively fight them off! Join Miss Sunshine and the SunBeamBuddies as they discover the importance of washing their hands regularly and learn the best techniques to do it! Get ready to become a germ fighter and keep those hands squeaky clean!
Created By: Rachel Griffin
Written By: Rachel Griffin & Joel LaFlamme
Directed By: Rachel Griffin

Rachel Griffin as Miss Sunshine
Jessica Griffin as Emergency Room Nurse
Andrew Colburn as Worry Wart

Executive Producer: Geremie Camara
Producer: Rachel Griffin

Animator: Debora Rodriguez
Editors: Alexandra Price & Gus Priemer
Color Correction: Revo
Sound Correction: Revo

Lyricist: Rachel Griffin
Washing Hands Song Composer: John Gauthier

Production Manager: Nicole Huddleston
Production Assistant: Andrew Colburn

Social Media Management: Emily Holz
Make sure to follow SunBeamBuddies on instagram!
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/sunbeambuddies/?hl=en

Please consider helping our production by becoming a member of the team at buymeacoffe ->https://beacons.ai/sunbeambuddies

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