Bill Maher (KidLuv) knows what time it is. He's pushing out red pills.

8 months ago

⚡LANDSLIDE RED AVALANCHE: Bill Maher is now starting to do the math. Real polls show Trump at least 20 points ahead in nationwide polls 10 to 15 points ahead in battleground states. What's coming is much bigger than a landslide. It’s a total political realignment worldwide. The globalist NWO is history!

Bill Maher Drops Unexpected Conspiracy Theory - He asks how the heck Biden is ahead of Trump in the polls when he lost:

• 14 points among Hispanics
• 43 points among Black voters under 50
• favorability among student debt holders
• 8% of women since 2020

“And yet I read in the polls he pulled ahead this week. Explain that to me.”

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