(Affirmation ) - I Deserve It - Listen To This Affirmation When You Are Struggling With Self Worth.

8 months ago

(Affirmation ) - I Deserve It . This video is a interactive visualizer full of positive self worth affirmations to help you accept and take in the good things that happen to you in your life. Sometimes when the universe starts blessing us we can either be sad, dealing with survivors remorse , sad that certain people aren't around to celebrate and experience this time in your life with you or are not their to support you in a rewarding time. The universe has to remove the people, places and things that are not aligned with your path so you can continue to grow and prosper and be and exist in the best version of yourself . When you change and become better version of yourself and you shed your old skin and energy the universe has to protect you and a lot of times who you become doesn't align with the energy and existence of the people, places & things that you use to surround yourself with so you have to let go and move on knowing you are where your supposed to be and you can tell by the energy in your heart center . Always go within for your answers , Don't seek validation or tough crucial decision making outside of yourself always turn to your inner guide and don't worship anything or anyone outside of yourself don't put anything or anyone on a pedestal you are the magic , you are the divine source energy you are looking for that's why its called !! Connecting with you higher self and trusting your intuition society always wants you to be distracted by outer sources but the real power is within you. You have to be brave , detox your brain and be willing to UNLEARN everything you were taught . You are very powerful , Make Your Mind your best friend and have good conversations with it. You have to have a relationship with yourself !! THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE !!! You are the higher power , you just have to connect with it . go up into yourself ( your higher mind ) and get the answers you need. Isolate your self and shut out the noise and get connected and aligned with your higher purpose it a forever evolving process but you need to be on the right road map that is aligned for your journey !! Get back on coarse and everything starts with self . - Trap Queen - The Affirmations Goddess..

Make sure you subscribe to my channel for daily affirmations that will help change your life and save you from the misguidance and distractions always from self that this world is doing . Go within ...

like this video and comment down below if you are suffering from any thoughts , trauma , or inner battles ,this channel is a safe space and is created to help you heal and grow. Thanks for watching and visiting my channel subscribe for positive healing content in real terms . !!

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