Cute Kissing Doggies!

3 months ago

Why do dogs kiss each other?

In this adorable short video, Russell and Miles, a father and son pair of Norwich Terriers, engage in one of their favorite pastimes—playful wrestling—before transitioning into a tender moment of what looks like "kissing" each other.

As they gently lick each other's faces, you can even hear the soft, gentle rattling of their teeth on each other’s teeth, a testament to their close bond and affection. This adorable interaction showcases their strong social connection and the loving relationship they share. Whether they're play-fighting or sharing sweet kisses, Russell and Miles demonstrate the special ways dogs express their love and camaraderie.

Dogs often "kiss" each other by licking, which is a common behavior in the canine world. This action can have several meanings and serve various purposes:

1. Social Bonding: Licking helps establish and reinforce social bonds between dogs. It can be a way for dogs to show affection and friendship, similar to how humans might hug or kiss.

2. Grooming: Licking can be part of grooming behavior, helping to keep each other clean and free from parasites or debris. This mutual grooming can also strengthen social connections.

3. Communication: Dogs use licking to communicate. It can be a way to show submission or respect to another dog, especially one that is more dominant. This behavior can help maintain harmony within a group.

4. Exploration: Dogs explore the world with their mouths and noses. Licking allows them to gather information about other dogs, including their health, mood, and what they've recently eaten.

5. Appeasement: In some cases, a dog might lick another to appease or calm them. This can be a way to reduce tension or avoid conflict.

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