Why Trump NEEDS to be a Zionist to get Elected

8 months ago

In this episode, Jack gives the counterargument to his previous episodes on Trump and Zionism. This is the argument that, from a political perspective, if Trump took an actual America first stance, then he would take heavy losses in the Christian Evangelical/Zionist demographic and not be able to win a fair election.

Trump's Record on Israel - https://rumble.com/v50mf5z-trumps-record-on-israel.html

Why 2024 Is Actually Our Last Chance - https://youtu.be/fmH9LLeCJ18?si=YiRVAA_OYP5XdsQj

More White Americans adopted than shed evangelical label during Trump presidency, especially his supporters - https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/09/15/more-white-americans-adopted-than-shed-evangelical-label-during-trump-presidency-especially-his-supporters/

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