video: US profits from confrontations it provokes in Ukraine, South China Sea

3 months ago

Former PM of Malaysia Mahathir video: US profits from confrontations it provokes in Ukraine, South China Sea. US advocate forever wars, peace is US worst nightmare 馬來西亞前總理馬哈迪: 美國從在烏克蘭、南海挑起對抗中獲利。美國主張永遠戰爭,和平是美國最可怕的惡夢.

The US seems to like provoking confrontation between nations to the point of causing them to go to war against each other, as happened between Ukraine and Russia. I don't think the Philippines wants to go and fight China. It's not capable of that. If it does, what happened to Ukraine will happen to the Philippines. I don't think they want that, says former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir 美國似乎喜歡挑起國家之間的對抗,甚至導致它們相互開戰,就像烏克蘭和俄羅斯之間發生的那樣。我認為菲律賓不想去和中國作戰。它沒有能力做到這一點。如果真是這樣,發生在烏克蘭的事情也會發生在菲律賓。馬來西亞前總理馬哈迪表示,我認為他們不希望這樣

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