23.06.2024 Interview with David Wilcox – Be still and know God!

6 months ago

00:00 – Intro
00:21 – Start
00:42 – What do you do for living?
01:17 – How did you get there?
04:10 - Pat Robertson presidential run.
05:12 – Believe God, not believe in God, there is a difference.
15:00 – The power of animation
17:00 – Don’t feel sorry for people
25:33– How'd you know that this is the way to go?
34:20 – The ego is not your friend!
43:03 – You can’t compromise with evil.
50:37 - https://www.justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/2008/September/08-crm-779.html & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Reed
54:40 – By nature we are evil!
1:10:06 – Be still and know God!
1:13:36 – Follow the channel!

Link to The Trial of the Devil Incarnate (book)

Link to Protecting Pat Robertson (book)

Link to The Flim Flam Chronicles (Website to Audio narratives about Ralph Reed; videos are in process)

Link to my book page (website)

Lately folks are going to colleges and universities without actually knowing why they are there. Afterwards they are starting jobs that are unfulfilling. So, I am interviewing different professionals from different backgrounds to see what they have to say and share their knowledge and experience with others.

The interview is around 15 – 25 minutes and it is focused on those 3 questions:
1. What do you do for a living?
2. How did you get there?
3. How'd you know that this is the path for you?

There are two rules – no cursing and no politics!
Тhis is the channel so far:
1. https://www.facebook.com/thesundayjameducationalpodcast
2. https://www.linkedin.com/company/82911383/admin/feed/posts/
3. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGHkhc4tH3UaFxxMSG9xYfA
4. https://twitter.com/TheSundayJam
5. https://gab.com/TheSundayJam
6. https://rumble.com/c/c-1417772
7. https://www.linkedin.com/in/mladen-djambazky-%F0%9F%87%A7%F0%9F%87%AC-b3b00b76/

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