Both Miguel Malvar class Corvettes of the Philippine Navy to be delivered in 2025

3 months ago

The second of the Miguel Malvar-class Corvettes of the Philippine Navy (PN) that was set for delivery in 2026 is being delivered earlier so now both Vessels will be delivered by next Year of 2025, and a 12-cell Vertical Launch System (VLS) was spotted on the BRP Miguel Malver (FF-06) Guided Missile Corvette

This was initially released as an Article last June 23, 2024 at

#hyundaiheavyindustries #hhi #philippinenavy #brpmiguelmalvar #ff06 #malvarclass #corvette #departmentofnationaldefense #dnd #armedforcesofthephilippines #afp #verticallaunchsystem #vls #cells #activeelectronicallyscannedarray #aesa #navalcombatsystem #combatmanagementsystem #cms #hanwhasystems #asiandefenseandsecurity #adas #pasaycity

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