Holocaust Hate Speech Censoring Free Speech and Were the Germans so Stupid

8 months ago

It was a very good video. One of the first where I didn't feel hatred. It was clear he doesn't hate ALL JEWS, so he's not a bigot and that's ALL I've ever asked for, but all of the jew haters and hitler worshipers TAINT this topic. sigh

The only problem is, he's not a Truther. He's only studied one topic from what I can tell so far, and he doesn't understand that this was ALL pre-planned by the evils.

He also doesn't say he worships hitler, but he says that everyone blames only Germany.

Like a sub to this channel said and I've already said, hitler invaded all of these countries (to me it doesn't matter if they are white or black or whatever), and he didn't need to. If all he cared about were the jews, he could have done what he did, or even just marked them (I still don't agree with anything he did) which he already did with the yellow star, and when israhell was finalized, sent them packing. But that's not what happened.

Hitler was clearly working with the evil zionists. That much is clear, and he got funding from evil corps in the US, so that's proof right there hitler was never innocent, and there's still MORE to this story we don't know. This was definitely NOT just about jews and israel. The jews who were boycotting Germany were OUTSIDE of Germany. You can't blame someone for other people's ACTIONS. German jews supposedly loved living there. There's no way they were tainting anything.

Were some communist? I want proof. Some were in the US, but that doesn't mean they were everywhere, and I want to see these communists tied to the evils. I've only heard of that one jewish couple Rosenbergs I think their name was, back in the 1950s.

There are some people who applaud communism because they hate the unfair society of crony capitalism. I see their point of view, but they are clearly naive in thinking that communism will solve anything.

Just to be clear, I think they mean communism without the government.

Pre-war I subbed to this kid's channel and he was an anarchist communist. I became interested because that was new to me, but eventually I realized it was all group think and he was a prick to my comment, so I stopped watching him. Communism is NOT being an individual which I disagree with. We have to be both individuals AND contribute to others and society as a whole.

Jews tend to be close-knit and because of their religious rules, they all follow the same things anyway, which means they aren't really individuals and that's a very bad thing. So maybe even if a jew isn't religious, they lean in that direction because of culture and lineage.

We are still investigating hitler and WWII.

One missing puzzle piece is where all of these missing jews went from WWII. Were there a million missing or less? Every jew thinks there's tons because they lost someone and they believe what they were told. They need to understand that THEY have been lied to as well. I told you guys already, they are VERY brainwashed. Never in a million years would they think one of their own would turn on them. And these numbers aren't evidence of any correct amount. I wouldn't trust people's numbers just like I don't trust the fake covid numbers.

One topic I haven't heard of yet are the prisoners being beaten or raped. Those are topics that no one ever discusses. There's ALWAYS beatings and rapes (on top of killing) in wars. sigh Show me one ware where that hasn't happened although maybe WWI.

Original link - https://holocausthandbooks.com/video/holocaust-hate-speech-were-the-germans-so-stupid/

Please PLEASE start releasing your childhood trauma. We all have some.

This is why it's so easy for the evils to control us, because they have harmed us psychologically for hundreds of years through all sorts of trauma - war, poverty, death, sickness through their poisons, physical and sexual abuse, all sorts of EMFs, RFs, MFs, etc., AND brainwashing and mind control.

Then our parents pass that trauma down onto us and unless you clear most of it, you will pass it to your children and so on.


We MUST work together to not only save us from this war, but also change our world completely. We can't do it without you.


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