Article 4903 Video - International Public Notice: To David Rene de Rothschild By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4903 Video - International Public Notice: To David Rene de Rothschild - Saturday, June 22, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It has been more than 800 years since there was a Golden Jubilee and the Double Golden Jubilee is overdue.

It was this fact and the consequences of it -- the effect this has had upon the whole world economy -- that caused us to go to Vatican City and address the Holy See about it.

While there, we directly, physically observed, that their keyholes are out of alignment.

Even the keeping of time has been distorted over this failure to peacefully forgive debt and return ownership when due.

As a banker from a banking family, you should understand this. As a Jew who is presumed to be familiar with Old Testament Law, you should understand this. The world economic system is supposed to be turned over like a compost heap on a regular schedule, with debt forgiveness and reversionary trust interests being exercised every seven and forty-nine years.

We do know the quandary you are in, as you don't really have an ability to forgive these specific debts that are crushing the whole world, but we have the answer and the receipts, if you listen.

Having discussed this situation at length with the Church officials, and with them having admitted that yes, this is exactly right: it has been over 800 years -- there remains the necessity of actually refreshing the system and accepting the Golden Jubilee, and we know how to do it.

This requires the Federal Reserve to return all the purloined, assumed, and forced collateral assets to the actual owners, including all the so-called Legacy Trusts. This might sound like figurative suicide to you, but it is better than any other alternative you have, as it passes through the veil (or the Red Sea if you like) and leaves everyone on solid ground again.

We understand the various arguments about who the actual owners are-- at least from a theoretical standpoint, but this cannot be used as an excuse for war and continued paralysis. The actual owners who are now in existence and who represent the progeny and interests of those who went before are present in the form of the living people of each nation.

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