The Long List of Joe Biden Lies - From 40 Years Ago Until Now - Mark Levin

7 months ago

LIST OF BIDEN LIES BELOW -- Joe Biden lies and lies and lies because he’s never had to pay any price - Joe Biden learned his lesson long ago: Lying works — and he’s too old to un-learn it now that it doesn’t. That’s why he fibs so often, on every imaginable subject. Biden’s problem is that the Big Lie technique worked just fine for most of his career in politics: His decades as one senator in 100, and from a safe blue seat; his time as veep under the biggest celebrity president since Jack Kennedy. And so, as poll after poll after poll shows, he’s incinerated the trust of the American voter. The buck never stopped on his desk until he took office at age 78, too late to change his spots.

It doesn’t help that most of the media play possum, while Biden and his team live in an echo chamber that completely muffles the rumbling discontent of the public he’s supposed to serve.

And the only way to make Joe finally pay a price for his lies is for the voters to do it in November.

Here are 60 of his most ridiculous lies...
1. Full academic scholarship.
2. Only one to have a scholarship in his family.
3. First in his family to attend college.
4. Graduated top of his class.
5. Graduated with 3 degrees.
6. Taught at UPenn for 4 years.
7. Was a football star.
8. Grandfather was all-American football star.
9. Won international moot court competition.
10. Great-grandfather was a coal miner.
11. Awarded uncle with a purple heart.
12. Oil refiner pollution during childhood gave him cancer.
13. Left a dead dog on a Delaware woman’s doorstep when he was a County Council member (Weird).
14. Marched with Civil Rights leaders (Civil Rights "warrior").
15. Was endorsed by the NAACP.
16. Helped to desegregate restaurants and movie theaters.
17. Beat up "Corn Pop" with a chain ("Corn Pop story")
18. Appointed to the Naval Academy.
19. Arrested with Nelson Mandella (arrested 3 times, var.).
20. Spoke with inventor of insuline.
21. Drove an 18-wheeler.
22. Offered a job at Boise Cascade ("first job offer.")
23. House burned down (and variations).
24. Raised in Puerto Rican community.
25. Grew up in Polish community
26. Attended black churches (regularly).
27. Attended shul (more often than orthodox Jews - context).
28.Visited Tree of Life synagogue after mass shooting.
29. Amtrak story ("million miles" Angelo).
30. Was present while a bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh PA.
31. Great grandfather was a coal miner
32. Father taught him about love while watching gay men kiss in public.
33. Uncle received a purple heart.
34. Traveled to Konar Province (while V.P.) in Afghanistan to pin a Silver Star on a Navy captain.35. Number of trips to China.
36. Number of trips to Afghanistan.
37. Number of meetings with Chinese President Xi.
38. Drunk driver killed wife and first child.
39. Stood at ground zero in NYC on 9/12/2001.40. Met with families of Parkland shooting.
41. Son Beau died in Iraq (from burn pits).42. Grandfather died in the same hospital in which he was born, a few days earlier.
43. Americans couldn't own a cannon when 2A was written (variation: 2A doesn't allow Americans to own machine guns).
44. Son, Beau was the first to enforce Delaware "red flag" law.
45. Pistol braces turn guns into high-calibur weapons.
46. 70% of Texas energy is produced by solar & wind.
47. Reduced deficit by $1.7 trillion.
48. Responsible for the creation of 14 million jobs post-pandemic (Presidents don't create jobs).
49. Gas prices have fallen under his Administration.
50. Claims that he had no knowledge of his son, Hunter's, business dealings.
51. Claims that he was not in business with his Son, Hunter.
52. Son, Beau, returned from Iraq in a flag-draped coffin.
53. Started a Civil Rights Movement from Bethel AME church in Wilmington, Delaware.
54. Traveled by train accross the Key Bridge in Baltimore (the bridge has never had train tracks).
55. Uncle, "Bosie" was eaten by cannibals.
56. Inflation was 9 % when he took office
57. His family never got money from China
58. His laptop is russian disinfo,
59. Trump called white supremacists fine people,
60. Trump said there would be a bloodbath if he doesn't get elected (out of context)
#election2024 #lies #fjb

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