Season 2 Episode 41: Separating Wheat from Tares: God Sifts the TRUE Church from the Counterfeit

7 months ago

Originally aired 6/22/24. We’ve been discussing all the current events and how they show that time is running short. We must GROW UP and stop asking God to do things FOR US, but start asking God what WE CAN DO for HIS KINGDOM.

All are called to WATCH and PRAY, and to WARN others, and to BOLDLY speak the TRUTH in Meekness and love. A Baby that NEVER grows up is a SAD situation, and only BABIES think about their own needs and comfort all the time as Hebrews 5:12-14 reveals.

We are called to be a LIGHT: that means the light of TRUTH exposing the lies of this present age. We are called to be SALT, preserving that which is good, FLAVORING the culture with the Love of Jesus, and SLOWING the decay of this evil culture.
If we have the living Spirit of God in us, we will bear FRUIT for His kingdom.

God is allowing Satan to SIFT the world through these orchestrated crises and REVEAL those who are with Jesus, and those who are against Him. And God gives us the SPIRIT to DISCERN the sheep from the WOLVES, as Jesus warned in Matt 7:15.

These false teachers and fake sheep constantly sow doubt, division--they counter, question, and challenge the Bible: ”Did God really say?”

We read in REV ch 3:8-10 in Jesus's 6th letter to the FAITHFUL CHURCH of Philadelphia. Jesus described the criteria for these faithful servants living under such duress. This is the TRUE Church that lives in the last days, and will be RAPTURED before the Great Tribulation.

But Jesus describes the 7th Church, LAODICEA, as the FALSE Church, who LOVES the WORLD and is full of itself. This HYPOCRITICAL CHURCH will be LEFT BEHIND.

So Friends, the LAST time we were in Revelation, we looked at the remarkable GRACIOUSNESS of God to give people on earth an opportunity to REPENT and accept Jesus BEFORE they take the Mark of the Beast.
Remember that God sent:
• 144,000 Jewish Evangelists out to preach in ch 7
• Two Witnesses to Testify for 3 ½ years in ch 11
• Then An angel to fly throughout the World preaching “THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL” and warning to REPENT in Rev 14:6.

We’ll pick up on this verse of God’s FINAL WARNING to those on the earth to REPENT, and to REJECT the Mark of the antichrist, which we already read about in ch 13, that “No one may buy or sell unless they take the mark of the beast.”

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה
Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי


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Wendy’s Words for Him: The Hiding Place: Listen to The Hiding Place audio book reading of Corrie Ten Boom’s true story of God’s faithfulness during Nazi-occupied Holland:

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