Trump's "Mock of Ages" cut by Stan the Jokeman w/ lyrics below

6 months ago

Trump a blowin' and a goin'...
This is better than a 'time-out'...weakness on full display
Mentally NOT he runs away
Rise up you orange clown, then sit your ass right back down
Had somethin' to say, but now you choke, watch your case go up in smoke
Lock on, Lock on, lock his dumb ass up
Don't deliberate, don't celebrate, Americans have had enough
Oh, what do you want......NOT RAPIST DONALD way
Vladdy loving Donald, no NO!
MOCK OF AGES, MOCK OF AGES...Trump 's still lyin', half wits buyin'
MOCK OF AGES, BURN THE PAGES...Trump alleges, sign his pledges
He's got no power, but an ugly story
While he sits in prison, I'll do his whore Melania!!!! yaaaahhhhh
Knee carpet burns......

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