Coca-Cola Branded Coronavirus (Big Easy COVID-19)

8 months ago

“Independent” Inquiry into the “Black Death” Pandemic Continues, While NAACP Elects Rights to Remain Silent

[FOB Freedom, June 22, 2024] Any station? Any station? Do you read? Over.

Live from the world’s newest banana republic. . .

According to local reports, although he has floated around the periphery of Northern Virginia politics for almost a decade, one fringe independent, of international notoriety, is a not a serious option candidate in a community that celebrates diversity and inclusion. And, following an incident on Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, where the formerly homeless veteran had an injunction against visiting DoD installations added to a growing number of “cancellation culture” badges added to his growing list, including a permanent disabling of his Facebook account, expressly for “security reasons”, and prefiling injunctions imposed by two Circuit Courts in a Loving v. Virginia bastion of progressive ideals, like, purportedly, “evidence-based” policy, rooted in the science.

And, like a continuing quest to qualify for the November ballot, at the Richmond Circuit Court, where he has not yet been banned access, the grandson of a franchise martyr is not finding the glowing adoration from residents of Arlington, like the former President of the NAACP, who is likely to join the Arlington County Board that elected its first Negro in 1987, next year, those kids in an achievement gap and attending free, secular Sunday schools that respect their preferences in personal pronouns but are not likely to prepare them for acceptance even at the most competitive college, public or private, in the Commonwealth, much less Howard University, the HBCU just across the Potomac, have not a parent, like Linda Brown had Rev. Oliver Brown some 70 years ago taking a case on education all the way to the Supreme Court, but just “the porn tab guy”, filing a brief today at the State Supreme Court to compel the Arlington County prosecutor to convene a grand jury investigation into the two year closure of public schools to in-person instruction.

“Well, Howard, you know the Bible says to walk circumspectly, and perhaps one of the most hysterical accounts during the pandemic was a recent story in The Atlantic, the folks who had been tracking racial data until we lost some 73,000 colored folks before the first anniversary of the pandemic, about a teacher’s aide, a Negra women, I believe, who had been infected some nine times. She believes, kind of like one member of my hotbed of infection, who believes he must have caught COVID-19 while out at the grocery store, that she probably caught COVID-19 nine times from those kids with dirty hands. What? Calling are cars, calling all cars; be on the lookout for the kid with a period the size of the Washington Monument in his backpack and a period two inches shorter than Fauci on his hands? Maybe there is a reason you are still a teacher’s aid, and not teaching the class,” remarked Major Mike Webb.

Webb noted on social media outlets where he has not yet been censored that these are the same voters who believe “a women’s choice” for abortion is helping them, voters who took a case with the NAACP all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to demand that they be permitted to dilute their own political power in Alabama. And, Webb suggests, perhaps J.D. Spain, who empirically did not attend an Ivy League college, or anything close to it, can continue promote these ideas on the County Board next year.

“What did the Commodores say? Father, he’p yo children, and don’t let them fall by the side of the road. It’s like that skit on the Electric Company on Christopher Columbus, Don’t fall of the Ed Gee,” quipped Webb.

Incredibly, VA8GOP, which apparently believes Hung Cao will be battling against Mark Warner in November has yet to recognize the importance of VA8, which had contributed most of the five-point victory margin to Clinton in 2016, in the presidential Electoral College votes tally, but it is not like there are any Locust Valley Lockjaw Buckley types in Arlington GOP. Webb notes that, like Cambridge is not preparing for an invasion from this army of Northern Virginia attending the second best public schools, if the sole Merit Scholarship awardee only got into Penn State, and after attending a school not in Arlington but Fairfax, he doubts we need to even alert Gettysburg College that these Juneteenth celebrants might get lost on the way to Pennsylvania.

Your elected representative is called your elected representative for a reason; and Martin Luther King and Jesus never got elected.

And let’s get ready to RUMBLE!

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