Mo'edim | Chag HaKatsir | Shabuoth | Festival of Harvest | Weeks

7 months ago

#chaghakatsir #shabuoth #harvest #weeks #shavuot
An overview of the mo'ed of Chag HaKatsir | Shabuoth, also known as the Festival of Harvest | Weeks, Yom HaBikkurim | Day of First Firsts. Chag HaKatsir | Shabuoth occurs seven weeks | 50 days after the start of Shibah Shabuoth (Counting of Seven Weeks). On Chag HaKatsir | Shabuoth we celebrate the Giving of the Covenant and the Torah (Matan Torah) to the Nation of Yisrael at Mount Sinai, and the Giving of the Ruach HaKodesh to the disciples of Yeshua the Messiah in Jerusalem.

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