The Medical Mafia will be Stripped by Truth (Natural Law)

7 months ago

In this video, I posit the simple, obvious truth about what happened in 2020. Yes, I 'went back there' for one last time (I hope I got discussing these crimes out of my system here.) I give some examples of the dozens of serious international crimes against humanity so overtly conducted with the well lubricated machinery of the CFR, everywhere around the world, the M.M. dug their own grave - when it comes to credability. This is not a threat or prediction, I am just stating the facts as I see them, one last flunkin' time. I am not dumb enough to don a black robe and attemt to judge what any individual or group's karmic punishment. I am simply stating that because the law of cause and effet - as well as the law of noninterference are primary, universal cosmic laws in effect on this planet that nobody - not even Commander Lucifer, himself, can _actuall_ sidetep, in reality, no mater how bad all of these spiritual three-year olds think they can get away with it. No matter how much the MSM depicts that they have, it is deception. Reiner Fuelmich has been in jail for three months now, for what? Because he put up his house as interest in starting an organization to hold these international mafioso criminals legally responisble for these reprehinsible acts. Tragically, he hired some people who took the deal with these powerful dark controllers.
All I am saying is that, due to the growing _rulership_ of Truth, or Natural Law, the rememberance of the US Consititution and the divine rights of man, given by god; and the growing awareness of these issues, in one way or another, those reponsible will be stripped - by the truth of their crimes. Instead of having insane narcissist psyco sociopaths running the insane asylum, they will be removed of their robes of "author-ity," and even financial and social powers - simply by the resuls of their actions in the era of the Great Human Awakening into true freedom and sovereignty. Enjoy!

tip jar:
Peace to All Beings, if and whenever Possible.

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