Epic 2-Ingredient Mozzarella Cheese Fail: What Went Wrong?

8 months ago

Welcome back to another episode of "Hustling & Homemaking"! Today, I attempted to make mozzarella cheese using just two ingredients: milk and white distilled vinegar. It seemed simple enough, right? Well, things didn't go exactly as planned! 😅

Here's what I used:
Half-Gallon pasteurized whole milk
7 Tbsp. White Distilled Vinegar

The steps:
1. Pour milk into a pot and heat it to 115 F (46 C) while stirring gently.
2. Turn off the heat and add vinegar, stirring for 30 seconds.
3. Let it sit for 5 minutes with the lid on.
4. Gather the curd using a spoon and move it to a bowl.
5. Heat the curd to 160 F (71 C) using the microwave.
6. Shape the curd into a ball.
7. Cool the cheese in water.
8. Wrap the cheese ball and store for 1 to 2 weeks in the fridge.
Despite following the recipe, something went wrong along the way. Watch to see where it all fell apart and learn from my mistakes! Maybe you'll have better luck with your own mozzarella-making adventure.

If you've ever had an epic kitchen fail or have tips for making perfect mozzarella, drop a comment below! 👇

#MozzarellaFail #CheeseMaking #Homemaking #HustlingAndHomemaking #EpicFail

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